Indefinite form of nouns – obestämd form

📒 When the noun is in indefinite form – we use article (en or ett) in front of the word or use a word without any article. Examples: en katt (a cat), ett hus (a house).

✏ We use indefinite form of nouns:

1) If we hear about something for the first time and information is totally new for us:

Hon har en hund. – She has a dog.
Vi bor i en lägenhet. – We live in an apartment.

2) If we put nouns after possessive pronouns (you can check the link in bio and watch video about Swedish possessive pronouns on YouTube):

min bok – my book
hennes syster – her sister
hans tavla – his painting

3) After specific words such as nästa (next), samma (the same), många (many, a lot of):

nästa vecka – next week
samma jobb – the same job
många blommor – a lot of flowers

4) In specific phrases:

att köra bil – to drive a car
att gå på restaurang – to go to a restaurant
att åka tåg – to go by train, to travel by train

5) When we present something:

Det finns en bok på hyllan. – There is a book on the shelf.
Det står en vas på bordet. – There is a vase on the table.

6) When we talk about work or profession:

Han är läkare. – He is a doctor.
Jag är lärare. – I am a teacher.

7) If there is an adjective in front of a noun, which is singular and in indefinite form:

en fin lägenhet – a nice apartment
ett viktigt möte – an important meeting

8) After words denna, detta and dessa:

denna väska – this bag (en väska)
detta fönster – this window (ett fönster)
dessa skor – this shoes (skor is plural)

🔶 These were the basic cases of using an indefinite form of the nouns in Swedish.