Possessive pronouns in Swedish (possessiva pronomen)

They indicate if something belongs to someone. For example, mitt foto (my photo), hans bil (his car), hennes väninna (her friend).

More examples – in YouTube video on Thursday 🍀

The first is pronouns – “jag” – it has three forms of possessive pronoun:
📕 jag – min, mitt, mina – my

min – with en-words
mitt – with ett-words
mina – with plural

min katt – my cat (en katt)
mitt hus – my house (ett hus)
mina vänner – my friends (plural)

📕 du – din / ditt / dina – your

din semester – your vacation (en semester)
ditt öga – your eye (ett öga)
dina väskor – your bags (plural)

📕 hon – hennes – her

hennes hund – her dog (en hund)
hennes bord – her table (ett bord)
hennes äpplen – her apples (plural)

📕 han – hans – his

hans bil – his car (en bil)
hans jobb – his job (ett jobb)
hans kort – his cards (plural)

📕 den – dess, det – dess – its

dess svans (en katt) – its tail (cat’s)
dess avdelning (ett företag) – its department (of a company)

📕 vi – vår / vårt / våra – our

vår – with en-words
vårt – with ett-words
våra – with plural

vår cykel – our bike (en cykel)
vårt foto – our photo (ett foto)
våra muggar – our mugs (plural)

📕 ni – er / ert / era (ni – you, a group of people) – your

er – with en-words
ert – with ett-words
era – with plural

er flaska – your bottle (en flaska)
ert glas – your glass (ett glas)
era möss – your mice (plural)

📕 de – deras – their

deras tårta – their cake (en tårta)
deras tåg – their train (ett tåg)
deras barn – their children (plural)

A YouTube video about possessive pronouns will be published tomorrow, on Thursday.